Dr. Friend.
May I ask you a question? Where from and from who did you get your last
name? From where are your parents? or maybe grandparents became to
Canada? If it hard to answer or you don't want to do it, then forget
it. I'm asking all this questions from everyone whose last name is
Sergei Olegovich Karpovitch |
I am thrilled that you asked. My father's father Roman Karpovich came from a
small village in the Ukraine. When they arrived in the United States (he and
his future bride Mary Smolka) their name was spelled Karpowicz... When their
oldest daughter went to college she discovered that the correct spelling
(both phonetically and ethnically) was Karpovich. I understand from my
studies that the "...ovich" basically means "son of" suggesting a great great
grandfather whose first name was "Karp".
My information is always growing ... please share any information you find.
Perhaps I can create a page for our "family" on my web site
By the way I recently met another "family member" from Canada. His name is
John Karpowicz (pronounced the same) if you are interested his e-mail is
JTKarpo@email.msn.com. I am sure he will be interested in your research too!
Warmly, Michael Scott Karpovich
, Certified Speaking Professional |